Urine Samples Collection
Please click on the link below for more information on changes to the way urine samples are collected:
URINE SAMPLES SARSTEDT - Changes to the way urine samples are collected - third message - GPs v1.docx
Well Person Clinics
These are organised by the practice nurses and the health care assistant. Services include blood pressure checks, urine testing, immunisation status, dietary advice, blood test if indicated, smoking counselling and, for women, cervical smears and breast checking advice. Please telephone the surgery for an appointment.
Antenatal Care
All of our doctors undertake antenatal care and will see patients at any of their routine surgery sessions. The community midwife is now based at Latchmere, Family Centre at Latchmere School (Health Suite), Latchmere Road, KT2 5T. Clinics are held every Friday from 9.30am with antenatal care from 1.00pm.
Diabetic Clinics
We offer a variety of appointments for routine diabetic care in order to make it easier to attend your annual review. Advice on all diabetic care is available from the practice nurses.
Sexual Health Services
We offer a wide range of services:
- Contraception Advice
- Emergency Contraception
- Repeat Pill Prescriptions
- Chlamydia self testing for 16 to 24 year olds
- Free condoms & lubricants
- Psychosexual counselling
- Screening for sexually transmitted infection including HIV testing
The above services are provided to any patient across the borough, you do not need to be registered with us to access these services. Just speak to someone on reception about accessing these services.
Sexual Health Services across the borough
Some clinics may offer a wider range of services. Please contact the surgery for more information.
Baby Clinics
The baby clinic is held by Dr Parrish on a Tuesday morning. Child health development checks and a full immunisation service are offered. Please give the receptionist details of your requirements. The practice nurse also offers immunisation services by appointment
Influenza Vaccine
This is normally available from October to November each year for patients in high risk groups (diabetics, chest and heart disease) and particularly all those over 65. Details will be advertised in the surgery and appointments can be made through reception in the normal manner from mid-August. All those with chest problems are encouraged to take advantage of this vaccine.
Cervical Smears
A cervical smear test is a quick, easy and reliable way to detect abnormal cells at the neck of the womb (cervix) that can lead to cancer if not treated early. We suggest cervical smears are done every three/five years (depending on your age) women between the ages of 24.5 to 49 should have one every three years and those aged 50 to 64 every five years. If you feel your appointment is overdue please check with either our receptionist or practice nurse. Please tell the receptionist if you are coming for a smear.
LARC (Long active reversible contraception)
We also fit and remove LARC (Long active reversible contraception) Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) are methods of birth control that provide effective contraception for an extended period without requiring user action. They include injections, intrauterine devices (IUDs) and subdermal contraceptive implants.
Minor Surgery
Dr Parekh will carry on running a regular clinic for the removal of lumps and bumps until the end of February. Dr Lucy Dormer will take over after he leaves the Practice. Please book a routine appointment / telephone consultation with one of the GP's first to assess whether you need minor surgery.
Coil Fitting
Please book an initial telephone consultation with either Dr Ian Monk or Dr Sally Monk and they will arrange an appointment for the coil fitting.
We have a regular Dietician attached to the practice who provides nutritional advice to adults and children with a variety of conditions. For more information please telephone the surgery.
Musculoskeletal Specialist
The surgery has two First Contact Physiotherapists, who are experienced Physiotherapists with enhanced skills. Their role is to assess patients with musculoskeletal (MSK) symptoms in order to provide a diagnosis, ascertain the need for any further tests and advise on the most appropriate management plan.
Find further MSK resources: St Albans Medical Centre - Musculoskeletal
Asthma And COPD
Our nurses do regular reviews on Asthma and COPD with lung function testing etc. If you think you are overdue for an annual review then please telephone the surgery.
We now have a full time Pharmacist attached to the practice who will be able to assist in medication reviews.